Facts and Myths About the Homeless

Published on 2 December 2023 at 17:50

Facts and Info about People who are Homeless, and Homelessness

N. Lunsford 11/21/2023

There is an unmet need to educate communities about the centuries long issue of Homelessness. This has been happening since the 1600’s. “The earliest cases of homelessness in America were documented in the 1640s. In 1734, the first poor house opened in New York City, serving as homeless shelters as well as mental institutions and jails.” (TheHomeMoreProject September 18, 2022)

How many ARE there?

It is difficult to locate and count ALL of this population, we have referenced two verifiable sources for the most current of these numbers. See how they vastly differ! We do not truly know an exact number and believe there are more than are reported.

In Illinois: A reported 9,212 people were experiencing homelessness in Illinois in January 2022, and an estimated 20.6% of them were unsheltered, the 24th smallest share among the 50 states. (Samuel Stebbins, 24/7 Wall St. via The Center Square Feb 9, 2023)

An estimated 582,462 people experienced homelessness, in Illinois,  on a single night in January 2022. (Department of Housing and Urban Development)

What causes Homelessness? 

  • Lack of affordable housing
  • Housing that is out of reach
  • Medical issues and diagnoses
  • Domestic Violence
  • Racial Disparities
  • Lack of Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Disorder treatment availability

MYTHS about homelessness: 


  1. Most are mentally ill.

Decades of epidemiological research reveals that one-third, at most, have a serious mental illness. De-institutionalization or closure of mental hospitals was initially believed to be a prime cause of homelessness, but this occurred well before the sharp increase in the 1980s.

2. The majority abuse drugs and alcohol.

It is believed that only about 20 to 40 percent of homeless have a substance abuse issue. In fact, abuse is rarely the sole cause of homelessness and more often is a response to it because living on the street puts the person in frequent contact with users and dealers. 

3. They’re dangerous and violent.

Homeless persons are far more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators. Of course, some homeless individuals may commit acts of violence beyond self-defense but such acts rarely affect the non-homeless individuals they encounter. To put it another way, any violence by homeless persons is either self-defense or due to the rare violent perpetrator who preys on other homeless people. Non-homeless need to understand this.

4. They’re criminals.

Homeless persons are more likely to have criminal justice intervention. However, this is primarily because many of their daily survival activities are criminalized—meaning they might be given a summons or arrested for minor offenses such as trespassing, littering, or loitering.

5. “Bad choices” led to their homelessness.

Everyone makes mistakes, but the descent into homelessness is not necessarily the direct result of “choices.Far more often a sudden illness or an accident, losing one’s job, or falling into debt leads to eviction—or doubling up with family or friends becomes untenable.

6. They prefer the freedom of life on the street.

There is no evidence to support this notion that homeless persons are “service resistant.” Since “Housing First” began in New York City in 1992 at the nonprofit Pathways to Housing, Inc., it became clear that the offer of immediate access to independent housing with support services is welcomed and accepted by most homeless. People on the street often reject the option of crowded, unsafe shelters—not housing in general.

7. They spend all their money on drugs and alcohol.

Interviews with street homeless persons show that most of their money goes to buying food and amenities such as socks, hygiene products, and bottled water. Although some do spend money on alcohol or drugs, the same can be said of anyone.

8. They just need to get a job.

A significant portion of homeless people do have jobs—they just cannot afford to pay rent. Some receive disability income due to physical or mental problems but still cannot afford rent. For those wanting to work—a common refrain among those interviewed by my research team—the complications of applying for a job with no address, no clean clothes, no place to shower, and the stigma of being homeless (or having a criminal record), make such individuals far less competitive in the low-wage job market.

9. The homeless are not part of “our community.”

Surveys have shown 70 to 80 percent of homeless persons are from the local area or lived there for a year or longer before becoming unhoused.

10. They live in unsanitary conditions because they don’t care.

Living outdoors means having no regular place for bodily functions, to dispose of trash, to store food safely, or to bathe. A homeless person who “cares” has few alternatives. Our research shows that lacking access to a shower is one of the more humiliating aspects of being homeless.