Performance Measures:

Published on 20 June 2023 at 07:22

Work Accomplished  to Solve Homelessness: 

Updated 09/17/2024

1695 Meals delivered

245 gallons of water delivered

4 Landlords entered our "Landlord Action Plan" Program

7 people "From Tent To Tenant" (a collaboration with our resource partners)

73 Adult-UnHoused Friends of Steven's Home Served!

**Mail Delivery Service available to the unhoused**

Entered into a partnership with McHenry Community College for free  Job Training Certification (course details will be published soon!)

15 Veterans assisted with back packs filled with needed items

22 received consistent/repeated transportation

42 received clothing and/or camp gear

3 opened a bank account

2 free auto-tows from Bob Twardzik of MKB, & Regeaged Towing

3 connected with for full time employment

2 accepted into sober living housing

2 began daily recovery treatment

2 entered in-patient recovery facility

3 began attend regular church services

2 family's full month of rent paid

58 people helped with various items of need  

2 applied for and received DHS services

1 applied for and received social security card

1 received state Identification




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Kristi Skytte
a year ago

I am wondering if you accept donations of camping gear. I have a zero degree sleeping bag and a tent that was only used once or at most twice when my son was in Boy Scouts. I could sell them but would prefer to donate them to someone or an organization that can get them to someone who needs them. If not your organization maybe you can direct me to one that can use it. Also, are there any other items(food,gear, loathing donations) that can be donated? Thank you for your time.